Save the Sumatran rainforest by RSPB (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)
In the past few decades, Sumatra's lowland forests have shrunk dramatically, from 16 million hectares in 1900 to just 500,000-600,000 hectares today.
Harapan Rainforest (Hutan Hujan Harapan) that located at Jambi Province and Sumatera Selatan Province is a forest under threat, and if we don't act now, this rainforest and its amazing wildlife will be gone in five years.
Our ambitious project to restore habitat of this scale and importance is not a task undertaken lightly - but with your help and our expertise it can be saved.
To find out more, and support our campaign to Save the Sumatran rainforest visit:

Tropical rainforests are phenomenally rich in wildlife; home to almost three-quarters of the world's known land-based plants and animals.
Harapan Rainforest is no exception, and is part of the Sumatran lowland forest - the richest in plantlife in the world and home to a stunning array of birds and wildlife. However, it has suffered from years of illegal logging.
Our ambitious project to plant a million trees and bring life back to Harapan Rainforest. Please support our one million tree appeal by visiting our web :
In the past few decades, Sumatra's lowland forests have shrunk dramatically, from 16 million hectares in 1900 to just 500,000-600,000 hectares today.
Harapan Rainforest (Hutan Hujan Harapan) that located at Jambi Province and Sumatera Selatan Province is a forest under threat, and if we don't act now, this rainforest and its amazing wildlife will be gone in five years.
Our ambitious project to restore habitat of this scale and importance is not a task undertaken lightly - but with your help and our expertise it can be saved.
To find out more, and support our campaign to Save the Sumatran rainforest visit:

Tropical rainforests are phenomenally rich in wildlife; home to almost three-quarters of the world's known land-based plants and animals.
Harapan Rainforest is no exception, and is part of the Sumatran lowland forest - the richest in plantlife in the world and home to a stunning array of birds and wildlife. However, it has suffered from years of illegal logging.
Our ambitious project to plant a million trees and bring life back to Harapan Rainforest. Please support our one million tree appeal by visiting our web :
When we, and our local partners, took over the management of Harapan Rainforest three years ago, we immediately started training a team of forest wardens to protect the forest from further illegal logging. Working with our partners - Birdlife International and Burung Indonesia - we also came up with a recovery plan to restore these areas back to their former glory.
With help from more than 200 local community members working in our tree nurseries and as forest wardens, seeds from dozens of local tree species have been collected.
We need your help to nurture these small seeds into forest giants, and bring life back to the vast areas, which have been destroyed by logging.
Sumatra has been a target for the oil palm, timber and pulp and paper industries because of its easy access and relatively developed infrastructure. Ninety two percent of Indonesia’s oil palm plantations are located in Sumatra. In 1900, Sumatra had 16 million hectares of lowland forest; today that figure has dwindled to a mere 500,000 hectares. Lowland forests in Sumatra are now regarded as among the most threatened forests in the world.
At present, humans are the tiger's greatest enemy. Commercial poaching, reduced prey (through loss to hunting and poaching) and habitat loss are the greatest threats to their survival. As a result, the Sumatran tiger is critically endangered.
In central Sumatra, conservationists and oil palm companies are looking at the possibility of creating wildlife corridors joining good patches of forest, including Harapan Rainforest, via forested areas in plantations.
WWF installed the camera traps in the Bukit Batabuh (Betabuh) area last year to study the distribution and habits of the tigers, and the threats they face.
In May and June this year, one of the cameras captured footage of a male tiger walking straight toward it and sniffing it.
A week later the camera captured a bulldozer clearing trees, and the next day a Sumatran tiger walking through the devastated landscape. The location is just 200 meters from another camera trap that captured a tigress and her cubs last October.
See that Video
Camera catches bulldozer destroying Sumatra tiger forest
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