Blontea Tehpokil : Unique Mixture of Tea Variants Originated from Solo Indonesia
Tehpokil Blontea from Solo became one of the specially served beverages at the Bertuah Blogger Headquarter, Pekanbaru couple of months ago. It happened that Bertuah received Tehpokil Blontea from Solo as a gift after hosting a gathering event The Seminar Mading Online Sekolah (School Wall Magazine Online). This gift was very special because this was presented by the master mixer himself, @blontankpoer, the founder of Bengawan Solo Blogger Community who came to Pekanbaru to participate in that event. According to Mr. Mursid, "the tea which has special taste is called Blontea or Tehpokil. The master mixer of this tea is @blontankpoer. He is a journalist, photographer, blogger, and also a master in mixing great taste tea."

The best tea mixing tradition comes from the old Solonese tradition. Those people who mix teas are called “jayengan” or crew who make tea in a traditional gathering event, such as “kenduri” (ceremonial gathering), “slametan” (sacred gathering), “mantenan” (traditionally-held wedding), “sunatan” (circumcision), etc. The taste that acquired from the mixturer made by the “jayeng” who make them famous. Because of that, sometimes they have to be booked in order to serve guests in those gathering events held by the natives Solo.
To serve Tehpokil to get the best taste, there are two tea serving techniques or How To Brew Tea that can be done in order to acquire great tea taste. First, you can directly pour hot water in to a glass filled with tea leaves. This way, you make a glass of “teh tubruk”, a native term for serving tea without separating the leaves from the beverage. The second technique is serving tea without leaves on the glass, referred as “teh saring” or filtered tea. Sugar added by yourself.
Indonesian language version :
Tehpokil Blontea Solo Indonesia
The Indonesian Best Tea
Blontea (#tehpokil)
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