Film Wallpaper Backkom Bernard Naked Polar Bear Cartoon Terbaru merupakan produksi "rG Studios Korea". Film animasi Backkom atau Bernard Bear atau The Naked Polar Bear Session 1 mulai diproduksi tahun 2005 untuk acara TV dan selesai di tahun 2006. Dilanjutkan pada tahun 2007 dengan Backkom Session 2 dan diteruskan pada tahun 2008. Di Indonesia, Serial TV Backkom ditayangkan di TPI.
Rg Animation Studio is an award-winning animation studio that develops and produces content for the film, TV, and commercials. With the industry's top talent, state of the art technology, and the broadest range of animation styles, RG ANIMATION STUDIOS is an inspiring creative environment. It is our goal to produce highly cultural animation that is both successful in art form and commercial form. Furthermore, it is our aim to receive recognition from various international film festivals and in the film market. And it is our ultimate goal to construct a firm base for future productions and establish our name value. In result, we will be able to negotiate with the major distributors for high price sales in superior position.
Film Animasi Backkom Bernard Bear (The Naked Polar)
Wallpaper Animasi Backkom Bernard Bear (The Naked Polar Bear)

Rg Animation Studio is an award-winning animation studio that develops and produces content for the film, TV, and commercials. With the industry's top talent, state of the art technology, and the broadest range of animation styles, RG ANIMATION STUDIOS is an inspiring creative environment. It is our goal to produce highly cultural animation that is both successful in art form and commercial form. Furthermore, it is our aim to receive recognition from various international film festivals and in the film market. And it is our ultimate goal to construct a firm base for future productions and establish our name value. In result, we will be able to negotiate with the major distributors for high price sales in superior position.
Film Animasi Backkom Bernard Bear (The Naked Polar)
Wallpaper Animasi Backkom Bernard Bear (The Naked Polar Bear)

Contact :
RG Animation Studios
For Business and Marketing :
For Company Information :
Synergy Media Inc.(Agency)
2F, 64-20, Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-gu
Seoul 135-010 Korea
822-540-4124 , 822-540-4125(Fax)
RG Animation Studios
For Business and Marketing :
For Company Information :
Synergy Media Inc.(Agency)
2F, 64-20, Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-gu
Seoul 135-010 Korea
822-540-4124 , 822-540-4125(Fax)